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Occasionally, in China, there are a few quirky things in that make life here an unforgettable experience.
In Changchun, vendors skilfully cut pineapples so they look like decorative ornaments.

Barbeque is a specialty of the northern region. Skewered pieces of meat and vegetables are sprinkled with pepper, cumin seeds and MSG before being cooked on an outside grill.

Is this the biggest pile of noodles you ever saw or what?

Relatives of some deceased person burn paper money on the side of a street. Supposedly, the money is transferred to the relative in the next stage and he or she can use it to buy things.

Offerings of white and black rice on the ground outside a temple in Changchun.

Chick embryos are the strangest thing I've seen eaten here in Changchun. It costs 1 RMB for one, and you eat feathers, beak and all.

Bamboo scaffolding in Shanghai: Bamboo is a more appropriate symbol of China than the decimated panda. It is used to make everything from chopsticks to beds. The range of uses the Chinese have for bamboo is incredible.

Fake or real? The sale of tiger parts is illegal in China. This does not stop vendors from openly displaying their tiger wares openly on this busy Shanghai street. I saw a man in Guangzhou open his wallet and pay RMB 900 for a single toe.

Crickets on sale in Shanghai. A big one in its cage costs about RMB 40. A smaller one in a cardboard box is RMB 10. Everyday they are fed a small green fruit and 3 worms.

A man in Hangzhou will create a personal sculpture of your face in just 15 minutes. And it's pretty accurate too!

Also in Hangzhou: here a man heats glass to melt and mould it into different things: ships, trees, dragons...

This grows on a tree and is used to make a musical instrument. It is also used to carry water or wine, or as a 'beanbag' for kids to play with. The Chinese name is 'kulu'.

In summer, the Changchun City officials create sculptures around the City. This is near Culture Square.
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